terrace waterproofing June 28, 2022

A Brief Study About Terrace Waterproofing Services

In the construction industry, terrace waterproofing presents a significant challenge due to the flat surface of the terrace. This design leads to water pooling on the surface, which can create leakages. However, this issue can be effectively addressed by using a waterproofing membrane. Essentially, this membrane acts as a thin layer of waterproof material, preventing water from entering the structure. Various materials are commonly used for terrace waterproofing, including bituminous material, cementitious material, polyurethane liquid membrane, liquid waterproofing membrane, and others.

Waterproofing Methods:

Several waterproofing methods are utilized in the construction industry. Here are some examples:

• Cementitious Waterproofing Method: This method is suitable for internal wet areas such as toilets. It is easy to mix and apply and can be readily obtained from suppliers.
• Bituminous Membrane Waterproofing Method: This method is employed for terraces with low slopes due to its proven performance in such conditions.
• Liquid Waterproofing Membrane Method: Liquid waterproofing is applied using methods such as spray, trowel, or roller. It includes a primer coat and two topcoats, offering greater flexibility compared to the cementitious waterproofing method.
• Polyurethane Liquid Membrane Waterproofing Method: This method is ideal for flat roof areas that are exposed to weathering.
• Bituminous Coating Waterproofing Method: This method involves providing a flexible protective coat based on formulation and polymerization grade, serving as an effective waterproofing solution.

Benefits of terrace waterproofing:

There are several benefits of terrace waterproofing. Some of them are listed below:

• Economy: Since waterproofing is applied to the top layer of the terrace, it is a cost-effective solution compared to replacing the entire roof.
• Prevention from Damage: Waterproofing helps prevent mold and mildew from infiltrating the floor.
• Increased Lifespan: Waterproofing extends the lifespan of your terrace by reflecting heat and preserving the integrity of the roof’s chemicals.
• Cooler Comfort: Waterproofing reduces water infiltration, thus lowering humidity levels.
• Decreased Humidity: The waterproofing helps in reducing the water infiltration. Therefore, it decreases the humidity.
• Easy Maintenance: Waterproofing terraces require smaller and less expensive repairs.
• Property Value Enhancement: Terrace waterproofing increases the value of your property.

If you are seeking terrace waterproofing, MCON RASAYAN PVT. LTD. can provide the solution you need. Our primary objective is customer satisfaction by meeting their requirements. We offer products of premium quality at affordable prices and focus on delivering innovative solutions to meet the demands of the construction industry.

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